meet the team

Ed Jindrich D.C.
When I was 16 years old, I began suffering from horrific two and three day migraines. My parents and I had seen numerous doctors and specialists trying to find some answers to my condition. The final diagnosis was migraines brought on by hypoglycemia. I was given dietary instructions and a bottle of strong painkillers.
Unfortunately, neither the dietary changes or the pain pills made any difference in my condition. Then, one of our neighbours suggested that I see a chiropractor. Well, long story short, my visits to the chiropractor not only rid me of this dreadfully painful curse but redirected my calling in life to be a chiropractor myself.
Now after 30 years of practicing chiropractic in Peterborough, I have seen thousands of patients suffering from not only migraines but a broad scope of health problems. Chiropractic has changed the quality of my life in a profound way. That’s why I dedicate my career to being a “game changer” in other people's lives.

Chiropractic Assistant
April Kirby
After developing multiple autoimmune disorders and really suffering from a back injury since 2018. I began my search for something other than medication after medication. For years I carried a variety of different pain relievers just to keep myself functioning throughout the day. Sleeping comfortably was something I only dreamed of. I began to look into a more natural pain relief approach, which brought me to chiropractic.
This journey has been very long but it has also been very rewarding. I was so impressed by the principles of chiropractic, that I pursued a career as a Chiropractic Assistant in late 2022. I joined Dr. Ed D.C.'s Office as both an employee and a patient. It didn't take long before I was able to ditch all the medications.
Working with Dr. Ed D.C. has definitely been life-changing. It wasn't until just recently when I had to change purses, that I realized I no longer needed to carry any medications with me.
Fun fact! My family and I immigrated to Canada from Scotland in November 2005, when I was only 17. Not long after my arrival, I met the wonderful man who is my now husband. We have built a life just outside of Peterborough alongside our two young girls and of course many furry family members.
I am thrilled to be a part of a practice whose main focus is pure chiropractic care, with a doctor who not only has a passion for making people well, but who truly cares for them throughout. I look forward to being a part of your health journey as it certainly has been life-changing for me.

Chiropractic Assistant
Lexy Jindrich
As the daughter of a chiropractor, I have been adjusted since the day I was born. When I was growing up, anytime I would experience a symptom (headaches, neck pain, clicking jaw, stomach aches, etc.) the first thing I would do is start looking for my dad to get an adjustment.
There has never been a need for Tylenol or Advil in my life. Why would simply dull the pain with a pill when having my dad give me an adjustment would assist my body in healing itself? After working full time in my father's clinic for the past two years, I've decided to return to school to pursue becoming a chiropractor myself.
1:00pm - 6:15pm
7:00am - 11:00am
1:30pm - 6:30pm
1:00pm - 6:00pm
1:00pm - 6:15pm
7:00am - 12:00am
Chiropractic By Dr. Ed
647 George Street North
Peterborough, ON K9H 3S7
Phone: (705) 742-4441
Fax: (705) 742-2701